Can Bearded Dragon Eat Grapes ? What You Need to Know

Can Bearded dragons eat grapes is your question? Then here is the answer to it. Bearded dragons can eat grapes, but only sometimes. If your bearded dragon has eaten a single grape, then it’s not toxic or will not cause any metabolic change in the body. Grapes are of great nutritive value and consist of water and carbohydrates. Grapes consumption in less quantity, i.e., one or two, will not cause any change in the body of the bearded dragon, but it can cause toxicity if given in more quantity. The oxalic acid compounds in the grapes combine with the calcium eaten by the bearded dragon, inhibiting its absorption. So let’s take a brief description related to the consumption of grapes by bearded dragons.

What Are the Components Present in Grapes? Can Bearded Dragon Eat Grapes?

Components Present in Grapes

Grapes consist of many components that are essential as well as harmful to the bearded dragon. So here is the list of the components with their importance in the diet of the bearded dragon. can bearded dragons eat grapes.


Water is the biggest component in the grapes. There is around 80% of water in the grapes that you consume. Water can cause diarrhea and some dehydration problems in your bearded dragon. But this can happen only if your bearded dragon consumes the grapes frequently or consumes more than one, so if you think that bearded dragons can eat grapes, then it’s yes.


The percentage of carbohydrates is around 18.1 g, and it is the second most common component in grapes. Consumption of a lot more grapes can cause hyperglycemia in your bearded dragons and can lead to dehydration. However, dehydration does not directly correlate with hyperglycemia.

Oxalic acid:

It is one of the toxic components that are present in grapes. Oxalic acid is digested in human beings, but the metabolism is different in bearded dragons. The bearded dragons consume the grapes, and the oxalic acid combines with the calcium leading to bony disorders. But if the grapes are given in less quantity, then they are no more harmful to your bearded dragons.

Calcium to the Phosphorous Ratio:

The grapes have a calcium-to-phosphorous ratio of around 1:2. The ideal requirement for the calcium-to-phosphorous ratio is 2:1, and it’s opposite to what is expected or required. So here comes the problem. The phosphorous helps the absorption of calcium by combining it with calcium. So 2 molecules of phosphorous are required for the absorption of calcium. The deficiency of phosphorous leads to bony disorder, i.e., metabolic bone disease.

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