Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries? Things You should Know

 So all of us may wonder can bearded dragons eat strawberries, as we know that the tastiest and most natural fruit is strawberry. So as a pet owner, you would love to give a treat to your lovely pets. After this, the best treatment for your pet is a strawberry party; so can bearded Dragons eat strawberries, or do you need to keep your breaded Dragon away from them at any cost? So let’s see the important information about Dragons and food by consulting with a vet so that you can decide with full confidence before giving strawberries to your bearded Dragon.

Strawberries Are the Nutritional Guide for Bearded Dragons.

Strawberries are a tasty treat for bearded dragons. So as we all know that the nutritional needs of bearded dragons are different and vastly to those of any human or other animals in the surrounding; they get a very painful illnesses such as metabolic bone diseases if there is a high amount of phosphorus or a low amount of calcium. So they always required a high amount of calcium and a low amount of phosphorus in their vet proves diet. After this, when you choose the food for your pet Bearded Dragon, it’s important that you always check the nutritional information of the food that you are going to feed them, and so getting the knowledge of it so that you can decide which one is a good fit for their nutritional needs or not. Such factors like this can affect dragon health if you give them too much or too less. After the factors are protein, sugar, sodium, and fats, so to avoid these things, you always need a good product. So here is some information about strawberries per 100g.

  • Water 90.95g
  • Energy 32 kcal.
  • Protein 0.67g.
  • Total lipid fat 0.3g
  • Fiber 2g.
  • Carbohydrates by difference 7.68g.
  • Potassium,k 153mg.
  • Magnesium,mg 0.386 mg.
  • Iron,Fe 0.41 mg
  • Vitamin c 58.8mg
  • Sodium,Na 1 mg.
  • Phosphorus, P 24 mg.
  • Calcium, Ca 16 mg.
  • Sugar 4.89 g
  • Fiber 2 g

So Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberry Leaves?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberry Leaves

So you cannot offer the Strawberries leaves to the bearded Dragon. So the leaves look seem safe, but it’s not safe to eat for your pet and can make their stomach upset if ingested. After this, the small size of leaves and choking hazards. So you have to avoid feeding the left part to your bearded Dragon to get any illness.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberry Seeds?

So you cannot feed strawberry seeds to the breaded Dragon. So if your pet consumes in large numbers of quantities, it may be harmful, it can cause digestive issues, and they are small in size. After this, the little tiny size strawberry seeds can make them a choking danger for your pets. After this, you need to avoid feeding seeds and parts of the plants to your bearded Dragon. So we can’t replace other food in your beardies’ diet, but strawberries are always known as an excellent treat for your pets. So you have to make sure that you always keep your diet in balance, which contains enough protein, vitamins, and minerals for optimal nutrition and health. Do we get the answer to the question, can bearded dragons eat strawberries? So the fresh food always gets spoilt quickly so you don’t need to leave it outside, so discard any that has been left out for more time. So you can feed your bearded pet dragon strawberries only occasionally.

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