How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live? A Lifespan Guide.

In this topic, you are going to know how long do bearded dragons live? So, the Agamidae family member is a bearded dragon which is an Australian lizard. You will be surprised to know that these Lizards are kept as a pet, and there are seven species of these reptiles. Most people make their pets there are lizards in some regions, which is popular of it.

They are bearded dragons from the central or inland region and the other bearded dragon from the eastern region. The color of the bearded dragon is yellow or beige. So as we know that these lizards don’t have a real beard. So when they fill afraid, they turn their skin into their throats and turn like a beard. The behavior of the bearded dragon is curious, calm, and laid back. So let us know more about the bearded dragon. So let’s go,

About How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live?

Firstly it belongs to the family Agamidae. So a bearded dragon full grown is 16-24in long, and the weight is 0.8-1.1 lb. So They turn into full size when they are sexually mature. After 8-18 months between they reach sexual maturity, so in some species, it may vary. So as they become mature, they have become six months old. The sexual variation amongst bearded dragons becomes evident. After this, the femoral pores, bigger head, wider tails, and darker beard are larger in the male. Females have smaller tails and thinner skulls.

Average Lifespan of the Bearded Dragon.

Average Lifespan of the Bearded Dragon.

So the various factors that include the average lifespan of bearded are age, health, and lifestyle. So the different species of Bearded dragon has different kind of lifespan. The comparison between the wild and captivity is correlated to habitat.

Bearded Dragons Live in the Wild.

Due to food scarcity and predators, as they get it naturally, the life of wild beardies is typically shorter. The life span of wild beardies dragons is average in this habitat is almost 3 to 8 years. So the beardies spend there most of their time hunting and avoiding becoming quarries, so they have less time to laze. So an excess of 24 hours without sunlight can create health issues. After this, if the wild beardies feel some danger and if they remain hidden for a long time, then they are likely to absent heat and, worse, die. This was all about wild beardies dragon.

Bearded Dragons Live as Pets.

So the captivity of bearded dragons has a much good lifestyle than that of wild beardies dragons. After this, the maximum lifespan of a bearded pet dragon is 15 years. So the average Know lifespan of a bearded dragon is 8 to 15 years. After this, if your have their lifespan should increase, you need to give them a happy life, and you must try to take good care of them. So the things that are recommended by a vet are to have the proper source of UVB lights, some external heat source, and a balanced, healthy diet. You need to visit regularly to your vet for crucial to detect any parasitic infection or disease before they inflict havoc on your adult or baby bearded dragon.

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